London, UK (2018)

The project uses recycled plastic as a resource for multi-use and reconfigurable building components. The two key elements are hollow octagonal pipes in “S” and “P” shapes, which can interlock with one another or connect point-to-point with linear off-the-shelf aluminium segments. The assembly and disassembly of different designs, depending on use and sizes, can be done manually or optimized digitally. These plastic components, manufactured using industrial injection-moulding machines are lightweight yet robust, easy and quick to produce, yet precise. The project supports reshaping of plastic manufacturing, away from single-use plastics, and toward sustainable, multivalent methods.

UCL Bartlett, B-Pro AD, Material Architecture Lab, Research Cluster 6

Students: Aikaterini Konstantinidou, Laura Lammar, Tatiana Teixeira

Tutors: Guan Lee, Igor Pantic, Daniel Widrig


Hisense Nature Exploration Museum

